Introduction to C Language Syntax

C is a general-purpose programming language that has been around since the 1970s. It is known for its efficiency and control, and it’s the basis for many modern programming languages.

Basic Structure of a C Program

A C program typically includes the following components:

  • Preprocessor Commands: These are directives for the C preprocessor. They usually start with a # symbol, such as #include <stdio.h>.
  • Functions: A function is a group of statements that perform a specific task. Every C program has at least one function, which is main(). The execution of a C programming language syntax starts from the main() function.
  • Variables: Variables are used to store data. In C, every variable has a specific type, such as int, char, or float.
  • Statements & Expressions: Statements represent actions or commands. Expressions are combinations of variables, constants and operators written according to the syntax of the language.
  • Comments: Comments are used to explain sections of code. In C, comments can be single-line (//) or multi-line (/*...*/).

Here’s an example of a simple C program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
   // printf() displays the string inside quotation
   printf("Hello, World!");
   return 0;

Data Types in C

C supports several different types of data, each of which has unique properties. These include:

  • Integer Types: These include char, int, and short.
  • Floating-Point Types: These include float and double.
  • Void Type: The void type represents the absence of value.

Control Structures in C

Control structures dictate the flow of control in a program. These include:

  • Sequential Structures: Code is executed sequentially by default.
  • Selection Structures: These include if, if...else, and switch statements.
  • Loop Structures: These include for, while, and do...while loops.


Understanding the syntax of C is crucial for mastering the language. With its clear structure and powerful capabilities, C continues to be a popular choice for programmers around the world.