C Language History: How C Became One of the Most Popular Programming Languages

C is a programming language that has been around for almost five decades. It is widely used for system programming, application development, embedded systems, and many other domains. But how did C come to be? What are the origins and evolution of this influential language? In this blog post, we will explore the history of C language and its impact on the world of computing.

The Origins of C

The story of C begins in the late 1960s, when two computer scientists, Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, were working at Bell Labs, a research and development center of AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph). They were involved in a project called Multics, a multi-user operating system that aimed to provide a convenient and interactive computing environment1.

However, Multics turned out to be too complex and expensive to maintain, and Bell Labs withdrew from the project in 1969. Thompson and Ritchie were left with an unused PDP-7 minicomputer and a desire to create their own operating system. They decided to use a low-level assembly language, which allowed them to directly control the hardware and optimize the performance1.

Thompson wrote the first version of the operating system, which he called Unics (Uniplexed Information and Computing Service), later renamed Unix. He also created a simple programming language, called B, which was based on an earlier language called BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language). B was designed to be a portable and expressive language that could manipulate data and run on different machines1.

Ritchie joined Thompson in developing Unix and B, and soon realized that B had some limitations. For example, B did not have data types, which made it difficult to handle complex data structures. B also did not support floating-point arithmetic, which was needed for scientific calculations1.

To overcome these problems, Ritchie decided to create a new language, which he called C. C was based on B, but added some features that made it more powerful and flexible. For example, C introduced data types, such as int, char, float, and double, which allowed the programmer to specify the size and format of the data. C also introduced pointers, which are variables that store the memory address of another variable or function. Pointers enabled dynamic memory allocation, recursion, and array manipulation1.

Ritchie completed the first version of C in 1972, and used it to rewrite most of the Unix operating system. He also wrote a book, called The C Programming Language, with Brian Kernighan, another computer scientist at Bell Labs. The book, also known as K&R (after the authors’ initials), became the de facto standard for learning and using C1.

The Evolution of C

The popularity of C grew rapidly in the 1970s and 1980s, as Unix spread to various platforms and domains. Many programmers adopted C as their preferred language for developing software applications, such as text editors, compilers, databases, games, etc. C also influenced many other languages, such as C++, Java, Python, Perl, etc2.

However, as C became more widely used, it also faced some challenges. For example, there were different versions of C compilers that implemented different features and extensions of the language. This made it difficult to ensure the portability and compatibility of C programs across different platforms2.

To address this issue, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) formed a committee in 1983 to standardize the definition and specification of C. The committee published the first official standard for C in 1989, which is known as ANSI C or C89. This standard defined the syntax, semantics, and libraries of C language2.

The ANSI standard was later adopted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1990, which is known as ISO C or C90. This standard was identical to ANSI C except for some minor changes2.

The ANSI/ISO committee continued to revise and update the standard for C over the years. The second edition of the standard was published in 1999, which is known as C99. This edition added some new features and enhancements to C language2. For example:

  • Variable-length arrays: Arrays whose size can be determined at run time.
  • Inline functions: Functions that can be expanded in place where they are called.
  • Complex numbers: A new data type that can represent numbers with real and imaginary parts.
  • Boolean type: A new data type that can store true or false values.
  • Single-line comments: Comments that start with // and end at the end of the line.

The third edition of the standard was published in 2011, which is known as C11. This edition introduced some more features and improvements to C language2. For example:

  • Generic programming: A way to write functions and types that can work with different kinds of data.
  • Static assertions: A way to check the validity of constant expressions at compile time.
  • Atomic operations: A way to perform operations on shared data without interference from other threads.
  • Threads: A way to create and manage multiple execution paths within a program.

The fourth edition of the standard is currently under development, which is expected to be published in 2022, which is known as C2X. This edition aims to provide some more features and enhancements to C language2. For example:

  • Contracts: A way to specify the preconditions, postconditions, and invariants of functions and types.
  • Modules: A way to organize and encapsulate the code and data of a program.
  • Parallelism: A way to express and execute computations in parallel.

The Impact of C

C is one of the most influential and successful programming languages in history. It has been used for a wide range of applications, from operating systems to web servers, from embedded devices to supercomputers. It has also inspired and shaped many other languages, such as C++, Java, Python, Perl, etc2.

C is still widely used today, as it offers some advantages over other languages. For example, C is:

  • Fast and efficient: C produces compact and optimized code that can run close to the hardware and utilize the resources effectively.
  • Portable and flexible: C can run on almost any platform and can be adapted to different domains and requirements.
  • Simple and expressive: C has a small and consistent set of keywords and operators that can manipulate data and perform calculations.

However, C also has some drawbacks that make it challenging to use in some situations. For example, C is:

  • Low-level and unsafe: C does not provide much abstraction or protection from the hardware and memory. The programmer has to deal with pointers, memory allocation, type conversion, etc., which can lead to errors and vulnerabilities.
  • Verbose and complex: C requires a lot of boilerplate code and syntax to implement some common features and functionalities. The programmer has to deal with headers, declarations, definitions, etc., which can make the code hard to read and maintain.
  • Lacking in features and libraries: C does not support some modern features and paradigms, such as object-oriented programming, functional programming, exception handling, etc. The standard library of C is also limited and does not provide many useful functions and data structures.


In this blog post, we have learned about the history of C language and its impact on the world of computing. We have seen how C was created by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs in 1972 as a system programming language for Unix operating system. We have also seen how C evolved over the years through various standards and editions that added new features and enhancements to the language. We have also seen how C influenced many other languages and domains, as well as its advantages and disadvantages as a programming language.

C is a programming language that has stood the test of time and remains relevant and useful today. It is a language that offers power and flexibility to the programmer who knows how to use it well. It is also a language that challenges and rewards the programmer who wants to learn more about it.

If you want to learn more about C language, you can check out some of the following resources:

  • [The C Programming Language]: The classic book by Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan that introduces the basics of C language.
  • [C Programming – A Modern Approach]: A comprehensive book by K. N. King that covers the latest features and standards of C language.
  • [Learn C – Codecademy]: An online course by Codecademy that teaches you the fundamentals of C language through interactive exercises.